Języki nowożytne

Drodzy Rodzice 

Znajdziecie tutaj propozycje zabaw z języka angielskiego. 






What colour is it? (dziecko rozumie pytanie)/łot kolor is it?/ jaki to kolor?

Red /red/ czerwony

Green /grin/ zielony

Blue /blu/ niebieski

Orange /orencz/ pomarańczowy

Yellow /jeloł/ żółty


Mum – mummy /mam – mami/ mamusia

Dad – daddy /dad - dadi/ tatuś

Brother /brader/ brat

Sister /syster/ siostra

Baby /bejbi/ dziecko


Doll /dol/ lalka

Teddy /tedi/ miś pluszowy

Robot /robot/ robot

Puzzle /pazyl/ puzzle

Ball /bol/ piłka


Pet/pet/ zwierzak domowy

Dog /dog/ pies

Cat /kat/ kot

Bird /berd/ ptak

Fish /fisz/ ryba

Elephant /elefant/ słoń


Kindergarten /kindergarten/ przedszkole

Book /buk/ książka

Marker /marker/ mazak

Bus /bas/ autobus

House /hałs/ dom

Window /łindoł/ okno

Door /dor/ drzwi


Head /hed/ głowa

Arm /arm/ ręka

Eyes /ajs/ oczy

Hair /her/ włosy

Dress /dres/ sukienka

Hat /hat/ kapelusz

Jeans /dżins/ spodnie dżinsowe


Milk /milk/ mleko

Coffee /kofi/ kawa

Egg /eg/ jajko

Popcorn /popkorn/ popcorn

Yogurt /jogurt/ jogurt


Happy /hepi/ szczęśliwy

Sad /sad/ smutny

Sun / san/ słońce

Rain /rejn/ deszcz


Flag /flag/ flaga

Rose /rołz/ róża

Flower /flader/ kwiat

Cross /kros/ krzyż


England / ingland/ Anglia

UK /juk ej/ skrót od United Kingdom




Piosenka - link





I see something blue.
I see something blue.
Blue, blue, blue, blue…
I see something blue.
Find something blue!

I see something yellow.
I see something yellow.
Yellow, yellow…
I see something yellow.
Find something yellow!

I see something red.
I see something red.
Red, red, red, red…
I see something red.
Find something red!

I see something purple.
I see something purple.
Purple, purple…
I see something purple.
Find something purple!

I see colors everywhere.


One, two, how do you do?!




Mom, dad, mom, dad
Mom, dad, mom, dad
Brother, sister, brother, sister
Brother, sister, brother, sister
Grandma, grandpa, grandma, grandpa
Grandma, grandpa, grandma, grandpa
I love my family...I love my family, oh yeah, yeah, I do.
I love my family...I love my family, oh yeah, yeah, it's true.


Family, family we are family!

Family, family, I love my family!





Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear

Turn around

Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear

Touch the ground

Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear

Reach up high

Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear

Touch the sky

Reach way up!

Good job.

Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear

Find your nose

Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear

Touch your toes

Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear

Touch your knees

Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear

Sit down please

Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear

Sit down please

My teddy bear has two eyes, two eyes.

I love my teddy bear!





Do you have a pet?

Do you have a pet?

p, p, p, p, p, p, p, p, pet I have a dog.

 I have a dog. woof, woof, woof

I have a cat.

I have a cat. meow, meow, meow

Do you have a pet?

 Do you have a pet?

p, p, p, p, p, p, p, p, pet

I have a bird.

I have a bird. chirp, chirp, chirp

I have a fish.

 I have a fish. glub, glub, glub

I have an elephant.

I have an elephant paw, paw, pawoo

It’s  Christmas time!

Christmas time!

Santa Clause will come!





There were six in the bed
And the little one said,
"Roll over, roll over."
So they all rolled over and one fell out.

There were five in the bed
And the little one said,
"Roll over, roll over."
So they all rolled over and one fell out.

Roll over, roll over, roll over, roll over,
Roll over, roll over, roll over.

There were four in the bed
And the little one said,
"Roll over, roll over."
So they all rolled over and one fell out.

There were three in the bed
And the little one said,
"Roll over, roll over."
So they all rolled over and one fell out.

Roll over, roll over, roll over, roll over,
Roll over, roll over, roll over.

There were two in the bed
And the little one said,
"Roll over, roll over."
So they all rolled over and one fell out.

There was one in the bed
And the little one said,
"Goodnight! Goodnight! Goodnight!"


In the bed we say ‘Good evening’!

In the bed we go to sleep!





Shake, shake, shake it out

 Shake, shake, shake it out

Shake it out

Shake your arms

 Shake your arms

 Shake your arms

And Freeze!

All right!

I love my body! The way it is!





Carrot (carrot) - Cabbage (cabbage) - Broccoli (broccoli)
(One - two - three)
Let's chop some carrots
(Carrots na - na - na)
Let's chop some Cabbage
(Cabbage na - na - na)
Let's chop some Broccoli
(Broccoli na - na - na)
(Some vegetables for you and me)

Carrot - Cabbage - Broccoli
(Carrot - cabbage - broccoli)
(Some vegetables for you and me)
And we sing na - na - na
(Na - na - na)
And we sing na - na - na
(Na - na - na)
(Vegetables for you) (You!)
(Vegetables for me) (Me!)
(Vegetables for you and me)

One more time!
(Vegetables for you) (You!)
(Vegetables for me) (Me!)
(Vegetables for you and me)

Potato (potato) - Spinach (spinach) - Celery (celery)
(One - two - three)
Let's chop some potatoes
(Potatoes na - na - na)
Let's chop some Spinach
(Spinach na - na - na)
Let's chop some Celery
(Celery na - na - na)
(Some vegetables for you and me)

Potato - Spinach - Celery
(Potato - spinach - celery)
(Some vegetables for you and me)
And we sing na - na - na
(Na - na - na)
And we sing na - na - na
(Na - na - na)

Vegetables for you and me

One more time!
(Vegetables for you) (You!)
(Vegetables for me) (Me!)
Vegetables for you and me

Garlic (garlic) - Onion (onion) - Leek (leek)
(One- two- three)
Let's chop some garlic
(Garlic na - na - na)
Let's chop some onions
(Onions na - na - na)
Let's chop some leek
(Leek na - na - na)
(Some vegetables for you and me)

Garlic - Onion - Leek
(Garlic - onion - leek)
(Some vegetables for you and me)

And we sing na- na- na
(Na- na- na)
And we sing na- na- na
(Na- na- na)

One more time!
(Vegetables for you) (You!)
(Vegetables for me) (Me!)
(Vegetables for you and me)


One egg, two eggs, three eggs, four eggs, five eggs for me!





When I look out the window I see rain, rain, rain

Please, please Sun, will you come out again

Cause, when I look out the window I see rain, rain, rain

When I look out the window I see snow, snow, snow

When I look out the window I see snow, snow, snow

Please, please Sun, will you come out again

Cause, when I look out the window I see snow, snow, snow.

When I look out the window I see wind, wind, wind.

Please, please Sun, will you come out again

Cause, when I look out the window I see wind, wind, wind.

When I hear out the window I hear thunder storm

Please, please Sun, will you come out again

Cause, when I look out the window I hear thunder storm.

When I look out the window I see Sun, Sun, Sun.

Thank you Sun for caming  out again.

Cause, when I look out the window I see Sun, Sun, Sun.

Mr. sun, sun. Mister sun please shine on me!




Z pomocą nauczyciela:

Five little ducks went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack"
But only four little ducks came back

One, two, three, four

Four little ducks went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack"
But only three little ducks came back

One, two, three

Three little ducks went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack"
But only two little ducks came back

One, two

Two little ducks went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack"
But only one little duck came back


One little duck went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack"
But none of the five little ducks came back

Sad mother duck went out one day
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack"
And all of five little ducks came back

Five little ducks went out to play
Over the hill and far away
Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack"
And all of the five little ducks came back!


Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.





Walking walking. Walking walking.
Hop hop hop. Hop hop hop.
Running running running. Running running running.
Now let’s stop. Now let’s stop.

Walking walking. Walking walking.
Hop hop hop. Hop hop hop.
Running running running. Running running running.
Now let’s stop. Now let’s stop.

Tiptoe tiptoe. Tiptoe tiptoe.
Jump jump jump. Jump jump jump.
Swimming swimming swimming.
Swimming swimming swimming.
Now let’s sleep. Now let’s sleep.

Wake up!
It’s time to go!
Are you ready to go fast?

Walking walking. Walking walking.
Hop hop hop. Hop hop hop.
Running running running. Running running running.
Now let’s stop. Now let’s stop.

Walking walking. Walking walking.
Hop hop hop. Hop hop hop.
Running running running. Running running running.
Now let’s stop. Now let’s stop.

I wiggle my fingers,
I wiggle my toes.
I wriggle my shoulders,
I wriggle my nose.
Now all the wiggles are out of me.
And I’m as still as can be.



W tym miejscu znajdziecie słówka z języka francuskiego i języka angielskiego, które uczą się Wasze pociechy :

Język francuski:


sautez! [sote] – skaczcie!

marchez! [marsze]- maszerujcie!

courez! [kure]- biegnijcie!

vite [wit]- szybko

lentement [lątmą]- powoli

attention [atąsią]- uwaga

silence [siląs]- cisza

ne bougez pas [ne bużepa]- nie ruszajcie się!

un [ę]- jeden

deux [de]- dwa

trois [trła]- trzy

en haut [ą o]- w górę

en bas [ą ba]- w dół

genez au piano [wene o piano]- chodźcie do pianina

viens ici [wię isi]- chodź tutaj

bonjour [bążur]- dzień dobry

au revoir [o rewłar]- do widzenia

salut! [sali]- cześć


la fille [la fij] – dziewczynka

 le garcon [le garsą] – chłopczyk

 ouvre la porte [uwr la port] – otwórz drzwi

 ferme la porte [ferm la port] – zamknij drzwi


viens chez moi [wię sze mła] – podejdź do mnie

merci beaucoup [mersi boku] – dziękuję bardzo

 sa va [sa wa] – w porządku, ok

 c’est joli [se żoli] – ładnie

j’aime beaucoup [żem boku] – bardzo lubię, podoba mi się


Noel – Boże Narodzenie

Le Saint – Nicolas [le Sę Nikola] – Święty Mikołaj

Le cantique [la kątik] – kolęda


Bon appetit [bąnapeti] – smacznego

On danse  [ą dąs] – tańczymy

Merci beaucoup [mersi boku] – dziękuję bardzo

Attention [atąsią] – uwaga


La couleur [la kuler] – kolor

Quelle couleur? [kel kuler?] – jaki kolor?

Rouge [ruż] – czerwony

Jaune [żon] – żółty

Vert [ver] – zielony

Bleu [ ble] – niebieski

Blanc [blą] -  biały

Noir [nłar] – czarny

Violet [viole] – fioletowy


 Vive le printemps  / le prętą /    - Niech żyje wiosna

 Vive  /  wiwe  -  niech zyje !!!!!!

 Le printemps  / le prętą / - wiosna

 Le ciel bleu    /   le siel ble  / -  niebo niebieskie

 Le soleil     /   le solej  / -  słońce 

 Les oiseaux  / lezuazo /     -  ptaki

 il fait beau  / il fe bo / -  jest pięknie

 il fait chaud / il fe szo / -   jest ciepło 

 Les enfants /  leząfą / -   dzieci

 Au jardin / o żardę / -  w ogrodzie

 Sont  / są /  -  są 

 Contents  / kątą / -  zadowolone


 Rond  / rą /  -  okrągły              .  

 Carre  /  kare /  - kwadratowy

 Grand  / grą  / -  duży 

 Petit  / peti / - mały

 Court  / kur / - krótki

 Long  / lą / -  długi

 Haut  /  o  / -  wysoki

 Bas / ba / -  niski

 C est vrai  /  se wre / -  to prawda

 .ah bon / a bą / - aha, aha !!!

 Oui, c est ca  /  uise sa / -  tak, właśnie tak,   dokładnie


  j " aime beacoup  /żem boku /  - bardzo lubię   

  sauter  /sote/  - skakać

 danser / dąse/ - tanczyć   

 chanter  /sząte/ - śpiewac

 courir /kurir/ - biegać

 manger /mąże / - jeść 

 pleurer  /plere/  - płakać  

 crier /krie/ - krzyczeć

 marcher  /marsze/ - maszerować 

 je n " aime pas / że nem pa / - nie lubię


1.     Rouge   ( ruż) -   czerwony
2.     Bleu      ( ble  )  -   niebieski 
3.     Blanc    ( blą  )  -   biały
4.     Jaune     (żon )  -   zółty
5.     Orange   (orąż )-   pomarańczowy
6.   .vert         (wert)  -  zielony
7.    Blanche  (bląsz )  - biała
8.    Violet      (wiole ) - fioletowy

1. La bouche    ( la busz)  -    usta 
2. Les yeux       (lezje )    -    oczy
3. Les dents     (le dą )    -    zęby
4.les cheveux  (le szwe) -  włosy

Owoce, warzywa
1. Le citron     (le sitrą)   -   cytryna
2. L" orange     (lorąż)   -  pomarańcza
3. Le concombre   (le kąkąbr) - ogórek

Chante avec moi !!!    (sząt awek mła)    --  spiewaj ze mną !!!!!!!

Danse avec moi  !!!!   (dąs   awek mla)   -   tańsz ze mną !!!!!